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7th Grade Lessons 

Here is the writing work I have done with the 7th Graders. 

The Great Date Debate - The Diary or a Young Girl

The Inspiration and Division

As we neared the end of Anne Frank, I decided we needed to speed things up. We read her final entry on April 10th, 1944 and broek u the book into the following sections. 

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Preparing to ARgue 

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In order to prepare students to create sound arguments for their assigned page, we used this outline. The goal was to get them thinking about WHY their date in Anne Frank's life was the most influential to her story.

Preparing for the Debate

To prepare and build engagement, each student filled out a fantasy bracket, predicting which entry would make it to the end and win the tournament. 

The Debate 

Finally, during the day of debates, the students had a job: helping decide the winner. I also brought in some Speech and Debate Team members to help judge!

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Call of the Wild - Response Books 
Throughout the reading of Call of the Wild, and many other books, I employ response books. Students, using the photographed response options are to fill these out as we read the story. For this book, there were 8 pages of blank paper folded in half and stapled together. Each page then would be filled to the brim with student responses about the story.  
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Unity Day

Every year, our school celebrates Unity Day - a day meant to bring people together in our school. We have an assembly, school-wide activities, and everyone wears orange. 


To celebrate in Language Arts, we dicussed what Unity meant to us, and we went scouting for rocks. Our goal was to write messages of Unity and put them in our school's garden. 


Pictures to follow. :) 


Read Poems in the Attic by Nikki Grimes


After reading, ask: "What are some things you would find in your attic? Give them 2 minutes to write, then share. 


Pick two of those objects and write describing words for them. Give them 2 minutes to write, then share.


Put a box around your favorite descriptions. Give that box a title. Share. 


Make that list look like a poem. 

Poems in the Attic 

by Nikki Grimes

Poems in the Attic.jpg

"Congratulations, you just wrote a poem."

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